Thursday, March 17, 2016

M4 Book Cover

            I began this project with a few set ideas for book covers (my favorites being the Chipmunks & Jazz Singer ideas). However, as I was working through using some new functions in Photoshop I found myself staring at an image I wanted to use. After a little thought, I settled on doing a tribute book to the history of the NYS Philharmonic Orchestra.
            The image of the birds flying into the sunset (obtained originally from, I arrived at by altering the pictures color saturation slightly as well as a hue change. I then added a 3x3 selected overlay of the blue color to create a background. From there I added a gradient overlay, choosing to use a linear light, and arrived with my Books background picture. From this picture, the project seemed to drive itself.
            I added my barcode and a Penguin Publishing logo, along with a New York logo, and a silhouette of an orchestra. In adding the words to the cover, I used five separate fonts in the lettering, at various locations, specific to phrasing or institutions.
            I think my book cover has an appealing image to draw the eye, sophisticated lettering and advertising-like wording to attract a varied audience. Persons browsing for a new read, whether they are a fan of NYS, the Philharmonic, or even history, may well be drawn to purchase a copy.
New York State Symbol
Penguin Publishing Group
Orchestra Silhouette

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