Saturday, February 6, 2016

M2 Project-"Altar of Sacrifice"

                                                                  "Altar of Sacrifice"
        As I began this project, I had a number of ideas, each in turn revolving around the image of a band or artist, centrally.  After searching for images, I settled upon the metal band in a church concept. As a former member of numerous thrash and death metal bands, I know firsthand the attraction/repulsion relationship between extreme metal and religion. I decided to capture this relationship on an album cover for the fictitious band “Altar of Sacrifice.”
       I believe this image works for a band in either of two separate styles of death metal … First would be the contrast in the picture, as used for a black metal band, who would be the “haunters” conjuring evil in an area normally associated with good and peace – playing in a place no normal black metal band would be welcomed. Second would be for a Christian death metal band, being the voice of religion, along with the girl praying, driving away the haunting spirits – for them playing in a church would be normal fare. The band name works for either interpretation or use of the picture and the combination of the individual images should be appealing to either of the metal audiences.

M2 Project Images Used

M2 Project Sketches